Honestly it’s a bit shocking to me that a some of you ladies don’t know about summer internships. You should have at least one during your college tenure, preferably your Junior year(the summer before you become a senior) but there are also Sophomore internships that you can get https://twitter.com/anamericanbw/status/1344103111959330823
the summer before your Junior year. Tech and Finance internships pay very well so no you won’t be working for free. My first internship paid me $40~ an hour and I was a Junior in college. If you haven’t secured one already but you’re still in college it’s not too late. Some
places might still have applications open for the summer. Refine your resume, it shouldn’t be more than 1 page long. Let me say that again, unless you’ve been working for 15+ years in a profession(not a job) your resume should never be more than one page. Any experience older
than 5 years shouldn’t be on your resume so if you have stuff on there from before 2015 then take it off. Find a professional font to use, no Ariel or Comic Sans, use Georgia or Garamond or do some research on proper fonts. When you’re describing what you’ve been doing at a
role make sure the information is quantifiable. For ex: “Increased sales by 15% during Q2.” Also include numbers to show how you’ve improved the biz or increased it somehow and talk about what you’ve ACTUALLY done and don’t just list basic job functions. For ex:
“Collected information about students and wrote reports” means nothing. Try “Compiled industry data and presented findings to executives which led to actionable insights.” And this isn’t what’s on my resume nor is it the end all be all of writing resume but it’s just an example.
All of the basic information is stuff I already wrote out.
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