This is a PSA to young doctors who are hesitant to request exhaustive work up tests for patients because they’re concerned about the cost implications for the patient and they feel bad.

Don’t feel bad.
Request for those LFTs, RFTs, and lipid profiles, esp in chronic disease such as DM or hypertension. Ugandans have a poor general health checkup culture, by no fault of theirs. This once-annually doctor visit is their one chance to get all those important baseline tests done
There is little more expensive than treating advanced disease that could’ve been prevented or managed with early screening. I’d rather have a patient yell at me over the bill for RFTs than have someone I treated for malaria return in kidney failure because I didn’t screen for AKI
It’s important, of course, to explain to the patient the purpose and importance of the test. I’ve found that patients are generally more willing to do tests if they know why the tests are necessary.
Segue to patients: please don’t get combative when your doctor requests several tests. Ask why the tests are necessary; most doctors are happy to explain this. If the explanation isn’t satisfactory, then you’re at liberty to decline the test.
Unfortunately, healthcare has become very expensive. So, while I do encourage you to do exhaustive testing, exercise restraint while doing so. If there is a cheaper similarly efficient test, go that route. Financial well-being is as important as physical well-being.
PS: This thread refers primarily to healthcare settings where the tests are available and patients can afford them. The government needs to do better in availing free baseline testing services for ALL Ugandans.
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