I'm starting to think the safest thing for me to do is the complete opposite of what the government tells me to do.

Funny how tyranny works.
My body, my choice right? Or...

was that just another catch-phrase like "love trumps hate" from the Lefties?
Those 'peaceful protesters' burned down more city blocks than any 'revolutionary communists' ever did before in American history.
Everyone on a major network is a paid liar, shill, or gatekeeper.

Spread the word.
"I don't know where I'd be without the Fake News telling me their narratives to believe," said no sane person ever in the history of the world.
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction by way of Democrats and Joe Biden being compromised by the CCP."
"We believe survivors! We believe survivors!"

Except for Tara Reade and the guy who accused Spartacus of sexual impropriety in a men's room.
"Democracy dies in darkness...

but only if Republicans turned off the lights."
"Trump is Hitler! Trump is Hitler!"

But when a Democrat says you can't open your business, bans you from attending church, imposes tyrannical lockdowns on you, your family, & community... it's still somehow Trump's fault.

Got it.
Joe Biden's literally on tape extorting a foreign government to fire a prosecutor investigating his son AND ALSO on tape admitting to the most massive voter fraud operation in history and Fake News is like, "yeah, we'll still say he won."

I see Voter Fraud everywhere.
Oh, Joe Biden got more votes than Barack Obama but Trump is still voted the most admired of 2020 and here we are with dozens of counties reporting over 100% voter turnout. I'm sure everything is on the up and up. At least we have affidavits judges won't even look at. Woo!
I have to say, the idea of being forcefully vaccinated & forced to wear 1, 2, or 3+ masks for 100 days or more while being forced to stay at home and submit to whatever the left comes up with next is really making me look forward to AOC's 'gulags'.

What do we have to lose?
We should all be thankful for Joe Biden's 47 years in public service. He shipped US meds to China, helped send jobs overseas with NAFTA, lied, cheated, and conned millions out of American taxpayers (it's actually called money laundering & racketeering)...
but I'm sure it was all for the good of the country. We're all better off with traitors committing treason at the highest levels of our government, right? At least that's what Fake News, the Democrat Party, & RINOs want us all to think. They believe we're the problem bc freedom.
I can only imagine how thrilled other compromised intelligence officials (like Brennan) were when they found out Hillary Clinton's illegal AF server contained classified SAPs. I'm sure they were like, "Shew wee, that was close. We're safe."

Then, Trump showed up.
I have to un-remember that Project Veritas has Democrats on tape admitting to "rigging the elections the past 50 years" because that information isn't going to sit well with complying to Beijing Biden's demands. (LMMFAO).
Only in America could the guy with early-onset dementia who has sucked off the American taxpayer's teet for almost 50 years by selling us out, rig the election in his own favor, and the Fake News is like, "We're in. We're doubling down." Big Tech is like, "us too, watch this."
Maybe being banned off social media platforms for questioning 'official sources' could really be great for future generations of Americans who will be forced to live under the actual fascist dictatorship that comes with the Radical Left & their policies?
Once the communists prevent us adults from asking questions & successfully seize power while removing our freedom, at least our children and grandchildren will know we were banned and banned often by Big Tech's reckless nightmare of Marxist delusions of grandeur.
I have a better solution. Let's send all these anti-American pro-communist #HumanScum to China, along with Joe Biden & let's see how much they criticize their government then? Send all those forced-vax activists too. Let's make the separation permanent.
These commies won't even pay their college loans back. But, you know, by their logic & intersectionality, if they're gay, black, trans, male-ish, or female they have concocted a way 2 prove on paper they're so disenfranchised they're gonna need a bailout.. from the ppl they hate.
And if you're abusing the welfare system, milking it dry just like Joe, Nancy, Hillary, Bill, *and other swamp rats* taught you to, then by God, you too, need a $2000 stimulus to help offset your already non-existent contributions to society you human leeches.
When Joe Biden watched the film "Red Dawn" he took something no one else in America did away from that film.

And here we are.

Yes, we are here.

This is not an illusion.

The CCP thinks they can select the US President & takeover America.

It's that real.
Joe Biden pimped his son out to the CCP for bribes and "journalists" are like, "Well, we're whores too and while it is also on video, it's a different kind of selling out."

They're all in bed together. It's time to set that mattress on fire.
I don't mean literally because that would be wrong. I mean metaphorically. Let's be honest, I'm just trying to avoid another perma-ban. I don't even think it's legal to say things in jest anymore. Can't laugh in CCP America. Jokes need pre-approval. We'll learn.
You see, we could look at all of these concerns & be fearful & afraid which leads to inaction. Or, we could all be Americans again and say hell to the fuck no on this rigged election and save our country. I think that's the real plan. We can never let this happen again. EVER.
I just wonder what Trump is looking at on those screens. I make no qualms about it. None at all. Traitors need to be held accountable. It's all gone on way too long. I remember a time in US history where criminals FEARED breaking federal laws. Accountability now saves all later.
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