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The Battle of the Bulge continues. It's Day 14

Let's pick up where we left off yesterday.

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Ike was already mad at Monty.

On the AM of Sat, Dec 30, 1944, when super-nice guy Freddie De Guingand [this man], Monty's Chief of Staff, shows up in Ike's HQ in Versailles to report that Monty's wont' start the offensive until at least Jan 3rd, Ike has had it.
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Ike is out with all of this. He can't even.

He tells Freddie and "Beetle" Smith (his own Chief of Staff, this man), he's going to write a telegram to the Joint Chiefs of Staff in DC with an ultimatum: it's either Monty or I.

One of us has to go.
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Freddie's a good guy. He wants to solve this. Privately, he's exhausted with his boss, but he's a loyal officer.

His offer to Ike: Let me run back, 200+ miles to our HQ in Zonhoven and try to get Monty to agree to the January 1st attack date.
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Ike relents.

Freddie gets back to headquarters in Zonhoven around midnight.

He types up a telegram from Monty apologizing to Ike for being an insubordinate jerk and agreeing to the January 1st launch date.

Freddie basically begs Monty to sign the telegram.
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Monty, realizing he's in danger of getting fired, signs.

The attack is on for two days from now.
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When Eisenhower receives the telegram the next day, Sunday, he moves on, but he loses a lot of respect for Monty, who refers to as "a little man."
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Now, if you think Monty's done causing serious problems during the Battle of the Bulge, you're mistaken....wait til we get to the January 7th press conference.
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But, for now, for this morning, we here at Fort Bragg raise a coffee mug to you, Freddie de Guingand, for resolving this situation and avoiding a crisis in command.

And here's to all the loyal, undervalued Chiefs of Staff out there selflessly looking out for the mission, the organization, and protecting the boss.
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