I really do wonder when F1 Twitter will be able to talk about gender without defautilinf to a harmful cis-binary language, cause that is what happens here all. the. fucking. time.

Aye, we non-binary people exist within this community, you know that, right?
I hurt everytime for my fellow trans people everytime I read "female", because this term has been used by TERFs for a long time now to exclude trans women and to misgender & include many non-binary people who they see as "women light", and it's disgusting.
I know there is no ill will from most in this community using it, but please educate yourself and be more inclusive and thoughtful in your activism.

Espacially since trans people, and trans women more so, are often more likely to be the target of sexual haressment & abuse.
But the silence I faced when I was repeatedly attacked for my transness on here, beside people I'd call friends and have had personal contact with over the time, nobody gave a shit. And I've seen the same happen to other trans people on here.

It sucks.
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