I don’t usually do end-of-year summaries, but... it’s been a tough year. So allow me and my impostor syndrome this thread. There’s also a broader point at the end, maybe. 1/n
Two big, important professional things happened this year: 1) I was promoted to associate professor; and 2) I got funding for a big H2020 research project as PI. Both of these are a big deal for me, and I worked hard for both. 2/n
Another important thing: with a great group of people, we organized and ran the AoIR 2020 early career researcher workshop - a virtual one, but it went really well, was a real moment of solace and companionship, and we are all super-proud. 3/n
As the year draws to a close, I am also reviewing the proofs for my first book - because of the chaos of 2020 it’s been delayed, but I am still incredibly excited that it is a real thing (more on that soon!). 4/n
Here’s the key thing: I would never have achieved all of these successes and moments of satisfaction, let alone in a year like this, if it wasn’t for the support of incredible colleagues, mentors and other people who inspire me. 5/n
Support came in so many shapes and sizes: tweets, emails, phone conversations, bitching, mentorship, editing suggestions, encouragement to say no or to say yes, Zoom coffees... you name it. 6/n
I know so many colleagues are struggling this year, and so many have less privilege & more difficult circumstances than I do. So I’ve tried my best to offer support, stick to deadlines and take on work where others cannot. To give what I can because I’ve been given so much. 7/n
But I also know I’ve worked hard, not only on the big things, but on the everyday - teaching, advising, admin - and had tough times, and the connection with other people is what has kept me sane during these months. 8/n
To sum up: value the people who lend you their support, mentorship and advice - they are rare treasures. Offer your own support and time where you can: you never know what it might mean to someone. This is what I hope to keep doing in 2021. 9/n
I’ll end this with a note of appreciation: I am immensely grateful to so many people who have helped me this year. From short messages to long conversations verging on tears to silly jokes at the right time. Thank you 🙏 /END
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