Short thread:

I just walked out of the ER for one of my last overnight shifts. Last night we had a 67 y/o man brought to the ER by his wife and son who were all COVID+. He got it from his grandchildren, who he visited even though he knew they were infected.

He recently had a kidney transplant but thought the virus wasn’t a big deal because Donald Trump downplayed it from the beginning. He’s now laying in our ER, waiting to be admitted to our COVID ICU, because we don’t have any beds available upstairs.

He’s likely going to die in our ER. All because our supposed “President” thought it was more important to make himself look good, than to do everything to protect the citizens he was charged to protect. I’m so sick of watching people needlessly die because of a deranged man

I watched his wife and son leave in tears. It breaks my heart to see this happen every single shift. Please people, continue wearing your masks, socially distance, and listen to the EXPERTS. We can get through this, but only if we all do our part.

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