A mole got caught from the Nashville 💣. Trapped set. Bait taken. The new modern Boston Tea Party for the history books.

Rumor is that Biden’s team is about to go radio silent with the exception of their Twitter admins.
American critical infrastructure was attacked on Christmas morning and then SWEPT under the rug.
There are portions of critical infrastructure (CI) that bleed into 🍁 & 🇲🇽, i.e, energy. We move power accords borders thru treaties/deals so it doesn’t go to waste. Yesterday 🇲🇽 power outages are = we saw in Nashville, a soft poke at the system. See what breaks & what doesn’t.
It was intentional. America’s energy sector is basically fuel, gas, and electricity. These sectors migrate across boarders & are easily probed in places like Mexico.

Massive cyber attacks = critical infrastructure attacks. Look up STUXNET
They are really becoming desperate now. Telecom & related cooling systems that allow for large data transfers and spying.
What circumstance do “THEY” foresee that would necessitate such a drastic measure?

Section 2, Amendment 12. Trump victory, decisive military action against insurgents. Exposure of conspiracy via telecommunications, and mass declassification.
CGIS/International coordination have been slowly replacing parts with 🇨🇳 made ones in the electrical infrastructure across the US
Fishkill NY had a power outage on Christmas, & Dan Scavino posted the Red Line Diner which is in Fishkill NY

Current news of railroads, power supply, etc showed different places are being probed in North America Which means they are mapping out the weak points, maintenance times, repair delays, response times, ect. All data needed for bigger plans.
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