It is with a heavy heart to have to do this, I do not take any pleasure in doing so. But, due to people still stating that school staff are not a risk I feel it is necessary to show the reality. My condolences go out to the individuals who have lost their lives and their families
The information on the overall number of school staff and pupils who have passed away due to Covid is yet to be published. The safety measures taken in schools are not sufficient and expose pupils & staff with minimal mitigation. Unfortunately, to the detriment of many.
So when you see school staff advocating for change. It is not because we are work-shy or that we are ignorant towards the implications that partial school-closures can have on pupils. It is because we do not wish to lose our lives, when education could be provided in other ways.
We have families too, of whom we could bring this virus back to. It does not mean we don’t care for pupils. But, to be called ignorant and selfish for calling for partial closure until schools are made safer, is simply unfair. Make schools safer, is all we ask.
I’m sorry if this thread has upset anyone, that is not my intention. Please just make schools safer and if this is not possible, partially shut them. For schools to fully open in 5 days time, must be questioned, lives depend on it.
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