The new Psychotherapy Research Special Issue on Machine Learning begins with a primer by Jaime Delgadillo @iapt_prn on machine learning for psychotherapy researchers:
in the external validation, Double Doctor van Bronswijk and colleagues observed (as we've long feared) significant shrinkage, and found no significant differences between those who received their indicated and non-indicated txs. many possible contributing factors to explore...
this study is noteworthy for our subfield bc it emphasizes the importance of external validation. psychotherapy RCTs are rarely large enough to support this sort of work, so we'll have to turn to other methods to get larger Ns (eg individual-patient-data meta-analytic approaches)
next we have a nice scoping review by Aafjes-van Doorn et al looking at how machine learning is used in psychotherapy research: this reminds me of several similar recent pubs in other areas, all of which highlight widespread issues we need to address
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