Here's the deal with this $2000 stimulus check fight:
-The House passed the CASH Act the asks for the stimulus checks to be upped to $2K.
-Mitch McConnell blocks it's quick passage in the Senate BUT then he introduces new legislation that includes the $2K checks AND.........
.....2 other issues President Trump wants addressed: the repeal of section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and a look at election security.
-Now there are two bills Congress needs to deal with this week.
-Why section 230? Ever seen the President's tweets being flagged....
....well, Section 230 shields companies like Twitter & FB from being liable for content it's users post. President Trump and others say Twitter is censoring them, and the conservative views are often censored,
-What does that & election security have to do with the $2K checks?
The answer: Nothing.
We've got just a few days to go to get this done PLUS the defense bill. Expect a lot of back and forth between now and Friday.
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