Just seen a tirade about how it is "ridiculous" that "nationalists" boycott businesses who support the union - of course! That's how democracy works. Consumers vote with their feet. Why would they spend with a business when the director is then....
....going to use that money to prop up a system which is antithetical to everything they stand for.

I don't buy apple products because of the way they treat their workers. I don't by nestle products because their director thinks access to water shouldn't be a right....
....and they have actively destroyed the water table in certain countries by sucking up too much for bottling, leaving farmers without water for their crops. It's the same reason my energy provider in the house is carbon neutral and not one of the big 4....
....It's the same reason I use a building society as my primary account rather than a bank, why I use LED bulbs rather than fluorescent, why I use hessian bags rather than plastic. It's the same reason I buy free-range eggs, not battery eggs.
It's the same reason I like to buy local for my milk and meat and get my veg from the farm rather than the supermarket - The right to buy (or opt-out of buying a product) is the biggest way I have to express what type of business (or business director) I find acceptable or not!
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