Matriarchy is an auxiliary function of patriarchy, a stabilizing force which checks masculine excess.

Hence, it has no value to feminism.
What feminism desires is total and absolute submission to an Apex of their own making.

Ancient, primordial, lawless, Dionysian.

Where median man has no property, rights, or freedoms.

Where eglitarianism extends only to women, and where most men are slaves.
The traditional customs and mores of matriarchal Anishinabek in the Americas, for example, are a complementary subset of patriarchal organization—these traditions totally reject feminism as conceived in modernity.
It's better to view intersexual power dynamics through two forces.

* Patriarchy, which is complementary to Matriarchy.

* Tyranny, which is complementary to the Harem alone.
Today's progressive feminism is a byproduct of capitalism.

It's primarily driven by efficiency improvements in assortative mating technologies, i.e. access to birth control, college, mobile apps, etc.
The more the perceived access median woman has to her selection of top men, the more invisible the average man becomes.

A runaway feedback loop gone awry, which inevitably leads to a reactionary backlash.
A common refrain is that "men are pussies. They need to improve."

I disagree. Outside of the delusional hellscape of social media, the average man is perfectly fine.

The largest net gain in female happiness is likely to accrue in a simple reduction of personal dating standards
The more that the average woman intentionally "dates down", deletes their socials, etc.—the healthier and happier society becomes.

What are the remaining alternatives to above?

1) Mandatory veils/burkas, sumptuary laws, etc

2) More Trumpism. Dissolution of modern state society
Basically, if Western sexual impulse isn't attenuated, and soon...

Then the Western world becomes either more like the Islamic world, or more like the Fourth Reich.
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