Time for some Public Use Microdata!

I pulled data on race, income, and car ownership by structure (single family home, duplex/triplex, apt building) for Berkeley and Albany, CA.

Findings: people who live in single family homes are whiter, wealthier and own lots of cars.

First, let's do race.

While half of Berkeley/Albany residents live in detached single family homes, less than 1/3 of Black residents do. That number is 57% for White residents.

Nearly half of Asian residents live in buildings 5 units or larger compared to 25% of Whites.
Same data, but transposed.

SF detached homes, duplexes, and 5-9 unit buildings are disproportionately occupied by White residents.

Rowhouses and buildings with 10-49 units are less White than the cities' average.

50+ unit buildings are racially representative.
Now cars.

Among households in single family homes, a plurality own 2 or more cars.

For every building between a duplex and a 19-unit building, a plurality of HHs own 1 car.

For HHs in buildings with 20+ units a plurality are carless.
Next, the number of cars owned by households of each unit type.

Single family homes are account for 45% of households, but their residents own 61% percent of all cars in the two cities.

No other type of housing unit owns more cars than its share of the city households.
Lastly, households living in detached single family houses are *much* wealthier than residents of any other type of building.
All data are 2019 ACS 1-year Estimates Public Use Microdata Sample from the Berkeley/Albany PUMA.

More info here for the curious.

Sorry in advance for the ugly excel graphs. My R is rusty and this was faster to bang out.
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