Okay, XRP people this is going to be a long post but a good one, I PROMISE. Making the NESARA connections with Trumps labor day speech and his big surprise coming January 1st helped me to connect some dots concerning XRP. All of us knows who @looP_rM311_7211 is.
His 16 21 30 clue we know are dates in December. The 16th xrp glitched and hit close to $10k twice on the 16th for a second, the Sec lawsuit was made public the 21st, and now here we are at the 30th. Mr. Pool also tweets 589 which I believe is a connection to COMEX rule 589
which is special price fluctuation limits for primary future contracts on things such as gold... Which I believe xrp will be backed by gold. Gold futures price fluctuation limit tiers are: $100 / $200 / $300 / $400 per ounce.

Reading into Rule 589 I came across this...
There shall be no special price fluctuation limits for an expiring primary metals futures contract during the period between and including the contract’s first intent day and the last delivery day. The Exchanges will also not call temporary trading halts or an expansion of
special price fluctuation limits for primary futures contract months or their associated products during the last five minutes of trading between and including the first intent day and the last delivery day of a related expiring primary metals futures contract.
Guess when Gold's primary future contract expires?! DECEMBER 29TH!

This is where it's gets interesting. So CME observes 11 US holidays and New Years is one of those holidays. The CME/COMEX and Globex Exchanges will close at 5 am EST On December 31 and won't open again until
7pm EST January 3rd.

What this means is that December 29 the primary future contract expires and December 30th would fall between first intent day and the last delivery day meaning there won't be ANY SPECIAL PRICE FLUCTUATION LIMITS DECEMBER 30TH UNTIL 5AM DECEMBER 31ST!!!
Does this mean Dec 30th is moon time? If Trump's big surprise is the prosperity payments that is a part of NESARA and if xrp is going to be backed by gold then the only time to release those payments would be today. To sweeten this deal the Flare Spark token airdrop happens today
I think that the Flare snapshot had an ulterior motive. I know for a fact that Congress has held up the second stimulus for a reason and Trump waiting to sign the bill wasn't a coincidence either. Back in March when the first stimulus went out, there was mentions of sending the
payment to digital wallets.

Mr. Pool dropped another clue that I think I was able to make sense out of.

%XICX Τοις εκατό
0131-b ┻━ ┻ Hulpe

Τοις εκατό translates to percent
XICX if it roman numerals 10*1*100*10=10,000 If it's Numerals in the
Hebrew alphabet it's 600*20*10*600=72 million... 72million%=720,000 if the letters are roman numerals it's either 10,000% or 100%

The next part of his clue.... 0131-b ┻━ ┻ Hulpe... I pasted it to Google and it brought me the SWIFT website in Belgium. SWIFT is the system that
is used currently for cross boarder payments. They are trying to upgrade their system but it's still expensive and takes about 24 hours to process payments. They are no match compared to RippleNet. Well the ┻━ ┻ emoji is a table flip. From my interpretation I'm thinking that
Mr. Pool is telling us that Ripple is going to flip the table on SWIFT.

There was one more clue in this tweet, its the 322 flipped upside down. 322 is a Biblical number and also Illuminati symbolism like the skull and crossbones ☠️ 322. The Illuminati and those that are in the
higher ranks of the Secret Societies all have a God-complex. They think they are gods, they control the economy, make wars, decide who will become president, decide what nations will be impoverished, which will be rich, what foods you eat, what you wear, who to make you hate or
fear; they can even control the weather. They must be Gods, so they have secret codes, symbolism and numbers in plain view to validate their belief.

So we see the hidden meaning behind the number 322 is found in Genesis 3:22 - Man becoming God. Does God have a problem with
that? No! Man was created in his image and likeness; therefore, as Jesus and others taught; "Ye are Gods." The problem is when that God-power is used to manipulate, control, oppress, destroy and dehumanize others. When mankind taps into his God-nature apart for the living loving
Christ, God; it can only be manifested out of a selfish, greedy, fearful, carnal nature. It becomes devilish.

The 322 upside down means Trump and the Patriots have flipped the table on the banking cartels, the deep State, the cabal, the Illuminati....

I hate throwing dates out
on anything but the connections just kept coming and I had to. I'm probably way off so don't hate me if we're not quattuordecillionaires,trillionaires, billionaires, or millionaires at some point today! I'm praying we all recieve something special at the end of this horrid year😉
I think this is definitely promising 🤭🚀 https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1344060826274177024?s=19
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