tw // execution, death
on january 15 (16 days from now), dustin higgs will be executed for a crime he did NOT commit. the murderer said it wasn’t him & many witnesses said he didn’t commit any crime. yet he’s still going to be facing death by execution.
this is a thread to help educate yourself and others on how to save him. last time, everyone waited until a few hours before another innocent mans execution & unfortunately we were not able to save him. 1 rt can go very far.
lastly, if anyone would a high following count follows you, try to get them to retweet because their one retweet sends the number of petition signers through the roof.
another petition us + international people can sign. once again your voice can & will be heard ! remember once you finish to retweet so it reaches a bigger audience. the more retweets = the more signers = the more possibility of us saving him 
here is a website to donate & educate yourselves once again as to why he should be executed. i went through this and learned so much. it doesn’t take that long 
together, we can save this mans life. so please don’t just sit there, stay silent & retweet. go through the thread ! educate yourself ! have conversations ! every single bit helps. if this man was your father, brother, uncle, best friend, etc you would want his life saved.
there are SOOO many ways to help save this innocent mans life. please don’t wait until it’s the last day. we still have time.
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