1/ “Stablecoin” by risk factor. A thread. Not financial advice.
2/ $ESD. The OG of 2-tokens. Moderate risk. Strong community. Strong team. High liquidity. Coupons are pretty moderate risk. integrations. whales cooperate very well. Still needs a few things to be closer to the peg at all times. Proceed with care. @emptysetdollar
3/ $FRAX. Lowest risk of them all due to high collateralization. Not degen and highest potential to be the closest to peg in a very short period of time. Basically $USDC. @fraxfinance
4/ $DSD. Degen money game (as of now). only time will tell if can hold peg after maybe 20-30 cycles. Much like $AMPL on steroids. Interesting project to watch. Gamble with care. @dsdproject
5/ $BAC. Quite safe. OG 3-token model. Slow and steady growth. Cool devs. Growing community.
6/ $BSD. Trash contracts by the Value team. Don’t expect it to go far even though it’s basically a BAC fork.
Did I miss anything? Do u agree? Wanna hear your thoughts.
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