this is terrifying, this is how long permafrost has been there and it's fucking melting
since this blew up, this cannot be solved under capitalism. so long as the Earth is seen as a resource rather than our home, under an economic system that requires infinite growth where the only repercussions that matter are profits, we can't fix this
that also includes that a green new deal and imperialist faves in congress who co-opt the word socialism for capitalist and imperialist ends won't fix it. We have to fix it by ending the entire colonial/capitalist system
that means land back, not as an expression but as a policy to actually fully give the land back to colonized people, not to anoint them environmental saviors of what we fucked up, but because it is just and ends the destructive system
that means organizing, including agitation(protests, strikes, etc.), alternative system & survival program creation & maintenance (feeding people, clothing people, etc.), educating ourselves & others through theory, including Lenin, Mao, Coulthard, Fanon, etc.
that includes not believing lies told about and nefarious intent imposed on official u.s. enemies by media & politicians without pearl clutching and screaming "Assadist" or Xiist" or "tankie"
that includes militant opposition of the structures that uphold this system and the demands of their abolition including the u.s. military that gets $700+billion a year while you get $600-1200, and the prison industrial complex (prisons, police, etc.)
If you need to know more the best way is to find local orgs and join. Orgs that do mutual aid, or abolitionist work like For The People, Black and Pink, NAARPR, or more
For help with theory there are several resources, I am proud of the work I help with on @marxmadnesspod, there
are several other theory and political education pods like @Beyond_Prison @MAKCapitalism @RevLeftRadio @Red_Menace_Pod, all of the podcasts under the @The_Red_Nation umbrella,
there are also audiobooks out there such as
somehow I referenced political education podcasts and forgot @east_podcast and @CitationsPod that help in digesting current events without falling for media narratives, so remedying that here
You can follow @Madness6883.
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