I’m not back & won’t engage on Twitter d/t the hate & idiocy posted around here as fact that causes real world damage. However, Richard’s words were too important & too spot on not to RT. The media are not bullies, nor is news you dont like fake. (1/11) https://twitter.com/RoyalReporter/status/1343268361355075584
If you’re mad a story abt something or someone you like is negative, then step back & understand you’re the 1 who might be wrong. Also understand if U R new to a culture sit down and learn the actual way things work b4 you scream indignation 1st. Willful Ignorance (2/11)
& your stubbornness to hate culture & institutions bc they’re new to you & not to your liking will only ever be gross. Regardless if you’re a destitute Twitter user on a farm in Turkey or Oprah Winfrey. And remember anyone you put on a pedestal will fall off. Hard. Loud. (3/11)
And sometimes w/ casualties. Put the blame where it goes, not on the media who told you. No matter who your fav person is, be it your dad, mom, a reality star or a Duchess they are not infallible. If your fav never puts a foot wrong, then I guarantee your blinders are on. (4/11)
In relation to the idiotic nonsense re being tough enough on Andrew - there isn’t a news organization in the free, democratic world who would put in writing or on air call someone who has not been charged w/ any crime, a pedophilia. (5/11)
And you have lost your damn mind if you don’t think every media outlet in the English speaking world isn’t antsy as hell to tell that story if & when Andrew is charged & convicted. And remember, a shitty money grubbing egotistical prick (6/11)
can be every bit of all of that & more but still not be a pedophile who actively participated in a sex ring. The media have laws & rules that govern what they can say & when. Period, end of. And if you’re reading or watching “news” that steps over that line (7/11)
or others, or only reports someone is perfect & never their crimes, it is 100% not news & not real media. They’re pretenders for the express purpose of misleading you regardless if you’re sipping from the same cup of T. (8/11)
It is a tragedy & puts on full display how bad things have gotten when journalists are attacked not just online but in real life. That we have the term “Fake News” that is bandied about without any understanding of the actual, real, and devastating impact of those words. (9/11)
Sit down. Get a hot beverage. Rethink your rage & nastiness & willingness to follow the crowd because your boss or your mother isn’t going to see what you post here. Turn your brain, your compassion & your critical thinking back on. (10/11)
Being rude & ignorant on social media (or in real life) isn’t a badge of honor. Be kind, remember you might be wrong, and respect those that try to tell you. Reporters (rptrs, not commentators or mouthpieces)are usually the ones you can count on to tell you the truth. (11/11)
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