Free advice for all cowardly politicians who are following the flow of bad Covid Policy. Here is your way out of destroying people's lives. First the Facts based on recently published research: 1/
1) PCR testing is bogus.
2) Asymptomatic (healthy) people don't spread the virus
3) The older population (LTC) are the ones with any sort of measurable risk.
4) The vaccine is yet to be proven to stop infection or transmission.
5) Early treatment with HCQ etc. is proven eff. 2/
The solution:
1) Stop testing healthy people. See facts 1 and 2.
2) Immediately stop all lockdowns. See facts 2 and 3.
3) Immediately stop mask mandates. See facts 2 and 3.
4) Mandate sick people to isolate themselves. See fact 2.
5) Support sick people through EI. 3/
6) Allow people to choose to stay home and isolate themselves with no pay but guaranteed job to return to. EI support. Employer Support.
7) Increase support for LTC facilities! See fact 3.
8) Approve proven cost effective HCQ and similar treatments by Dr. approval. See fact 5. 4/
9) Do not mandate a vaccine with a supposed 95% effectiveness for a virus that is dangerous to less than 2 percent of the population. See fact 4.
10) Increase support and capacity for hospitals. (If needed; the data shows this is unnecessary at this point)
Following these simple steps a politician will become a hero, a leader and not the loser they are now. Maybe even increase their approval rating above 30 percent.
1) People are free.
2) Virus is contained as well or better than it is now.
3) Personal health effects (ie. Suicide, drugs, assault, etc.) due to lockdowns are eliminated.
4) Economy booms! Huge opportunity for investment as other jurisdictions plummet towards the great reset.
5) Politicians are considered leaders and popularity increases.
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