How repeating the word
"Different" repeating 6 times in 30 seconds in advertising made a lot of difference in sales of a product.

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1/ After the resounding success of the Maggi Noodles launch, @NestleIndia was emboldened to aggressively launch products in other food categories. An obvious market of choice was ketchup and sauces.
2/ There was only one large national player (Kissan) in the market in 1985, who was almost omnipresent. This brand was flanked by several regional tomato ketchup players and a host of local products.

There was room for another big player to make its niche.
3/ At that time, no thickening agents were permitted, so typically, every real tomato ketchup had to use a large quantity of tomato paste to get a reasonable consistency. For this reason, the profit margin and differentiation among brands in ketchup were low.
4/ and the idea of hot-and-sweet sauce came. The chilli version would need a smaller amount of tomato paste as it would have several other ingredients required to deliver the right taste. That would also help them to bring costs down.
5/ at the same time, they were going to cater to a local taste that the bigger brand was not focusing on.
As long as the hot-and-sweet taste become known as the differentiator,
They were playing smart to be different!
6/ At the end of the brainstorming session with advertising partners

the conclusion was that hot-and-sweet sauce would need to be clearly "Different" from ketchup. but still be presented as a credible alternative to the popular tomato sauce. The rest is history!
7/ The legendary "It's different" commercials showed @jaavedjaaferi and Pankaj Kapur arguing about the difference between ketchup and Maggi Hot and Sweet chilli Sauce.
8/ With a highly campaign-able idea, they shot different commercials around the two friends in many different situations-at a tennis match, on a holiday, in a movie hall,etc.

All the situations where short, engaging and funny, with some popular Bollywood spoofs as well.
9/ the only topic of conversation was about how "different" Maggi
Hot and Sweet Chilli Sauce was. Even the tag line was:

"Enjoy the difference".

the word "different" was repeated six times in thirty seconds. And it worked!
10/ The most effective aspect of the communication was that

@jaavedjaaferi deliberately referred to the sauce as tomato sauce and Pankaj always corrected him, saying it was a tomato chilli sauce.

The message came through clearly, and the marker began moving.
11/ The campaign was so successful that within a few months, the Maggi Hot and Sweet sales curve started to trend up and, in a year, was close to 40% of the volume of Maggi sauce's sales.

Since the profitability on Maggi Hot and Sweet Sauce was much higher than Maggi 🍅 ketchup.
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