Such sad news about Rep-elect Luke Letlow. He shared his COVID diagnosis on 12/18 & died today. Only 41 and leaves behind his wife, two young kids. As we lift them in prayer, may we also remember those that don't make headlines. Thus far, 336K+ deaths in US and 1.79M worldwide.
Our first family member (an uncle from Atlanta) died due to COVID last week. My aunt recovered, he didn't. Unable to talk, he simply listened as I read Scripture and prayed for him over the phone. This past Sunday, his memorial service took place over Zoom. Lord, have mercy.
I'm not interested in shaming anyone, being self-righteous, or talking political jargon. I truly hope that this isn't received in that spirit and tone. As we navigate all the various aspects and tension of self-care and economic hardships, it’s not too late to listen to science.
Observe social distancing. Wash hands. Avoid crowds. And if at all possible, please wear a mask. I get that some don't like being told to wear a mask. We humans, and particularly Westerners, are sometimes obsessed with individuality and personal freedom.
Here's a solution: Then, don't be forced. Make a choice. YOU choose. Again, if at all possible, utilize the freedom and CHOOSE to wear a facemask as an ACT of care for others and yourself.
Choose to wear a mask for your parents. For your Nanas & Papas, sons & daughters, baes & boos. For the essential workers that drive our buses, bag our groceries, tend to our illnesses. For those with underlying health conditions. Even for those that you vehemently disagree with.
I hate wearing a mask but I choose to wear it for you & your loved ones. And of course, I choose for my family & loved ones. Loving our neighbors must be contextual during this time of COVID.

I choose to wear it because caring for you/others is more important than my preference.
Finally, be in prayer for our nation & leaders. Call your family & relatives. Check on your neighbors - near and far. Be creative & support your local businesses. Be gracious & generous with those who are struggling and hurting.

Please take care of yourselves. Be safe and well.
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