I have a long train ride back so might as well #FGO
Billy the Kid

An excellent unit play-wise, coupled with the fact he’s low-cost and everyone can get him. In terms of design I think he’s a little plain, but it’s not a bad design and it’s cute. I wish he was a little older-looking though because I uh... like them old... 8/10
King Hassan

G o d. How can you go wrong with the anthropomorphized personification of death? With lore that says you don’t die because he cut you with his sword but because he was fated to kill you? A genderless icon?? An extremely Jouji/10
Katou Danzou

One of the units I don’t know much about on account of there not being many historical records of ninja in general. Her being a puppet is kind of interesting but I’m not really sure why they did it..? She’s a good mom, and Kotarou likes her so I like her too. 7/10
Sherlock Holmes

He’s a British ponce in a men’s corset and I want to deck him in the face, but he won’t come home. I like his play-style but a lot of the times in the story I want to strangle him (heh). Pretty accurate in terms of adaptions but he could be older. Basil/10
Maoh Nobunaga

Finally a version of Nobunaga that’s actually on par with how intimidating the man was in life. Did you know he REALLY drank from skulls? Wild. She’s a Gudaguda character though, which makes her lose points because good luck ever seeing her not in events! 7/10
Arjuna Alter

For all the lore and talent behind him, he has the personality of bland soup that someone threw on the floor. Especially disappointing considering he appears after the vibrant and endearing Qin Shi Huang. Makes-all-challenge-quests-trivial/10.

Ah yes, the bane of my gatcha existence. NP4, every single time I try to roll for Li Shuwen. ...but to be perfectly honest I really like her character. She’s funny, cute, very relatable, and her design is just distinctive enough for a shut-in. 9/10

Despite him being a mainstay in Fate for a long time (and Nasu saying he’s one of his faves) he’s never really clicked for me. He’s too thin. Pako put some meat on his bones!! I really like his Super form though, and I’m glad he’s got Ashwatthaman to be friends with. 7/10

This really depends on which version. I find her flirty, trendy personality to be...really, really weird. But I think her child form is adorable and the demon king form to be extremely metal. Also she’s big and we all love giant women here. Y. Aoi’s best work/10

I didn’t actually have Carmilla for YEARS. She’s got a solid design and far more palatable as “Elizabeth Bathory” than well... Elizabeth Bathory (sorry Liz!). I like that she and Hijikata are apparently a thing too(??). She’s pretty self-sustaining as well. 8/10

KT says I can only say nice things about him, but that’s okay because I really like him as well. A solid unit and him being the main Servant who actually JOINS you after his chapter is just an excellent sense of satisfaction. I have him grailed to 80. 10/10

I actually didn’t like him at all at first! I have since retracted every bad thing I’ve ever said about his hair. Kintoki rules. He’s big, busty, fun to use, and has some of the funniest lines in the game. He’s such a beleaguered son to Raikou hahaha. A GOLDEN/10
Okita Souji

FANTASTIC unit. Just flashy enough. I love playing with her. Her new more-historical outfit is also really nice. But again, being a Gudaguda unit loses her some points. Please free her from the shackles of Gudaguda!! 7/10

I love her. She’s the closest thing to Super Sonico this game will give me and I love her. I love her skillset and how it works together. I want to hug her. I will defend her. 100/10
Ashiya Douman

Ah yes, the season’s newest hot... [checks notes] clown.

Why are y’all like this I swear.

I really don’t get his appeal at all, but that’s okay. He’s got a pretty interesting skillset. He’s a little too...Joker-esque for me. Heath Ledger did it better/10

The smarmiest little worm on the planet. Heracles’ biggest hype man. His animations are hysterical, his skills are decent and his showing in Atlantis was downright amazing. 10/10

KEPT YOU WAITING, HUH? Beowulf is a weird one because while I really like him, his lore is clearly written by someone who doesn’t realize that Beowulf is more famous for killing Grendel, not the dragon. It’s still better than that Beowulf movie though! Ah well. 8/10
Charles-Henri Sanson

Ah Sanson, what a weirdo you are. I find his design a little plain but he’s not a bad unit for his rarity. His performance in Salem was excellent as well, and really contributed to the mood of the story. Maybe leave Marie alone a little though? 😅 8/10
Yang Qing

I really like him!! What a cutie. His animations are a little plain because he’s really just a martial artist, but he more than makes up for it with his fun and dynamic personality. I want to play with his hair. 10/10
Tamamo no Mae

I... don’t really like her in terms of personality. I’m sorry. I really am not a fan of animal people as a whole. BUT! Her art has really improved over the years and her voice actor, especially in Extella, is incredible. Her skills and NP are good though! Fox/10
Antonio Salieri

Easily the best concept for an Avenger since, well, the original Avenger himself. Dude went full nuclear over a movie that changed his entire reputation and made people believe he murdered someone he loved. Humanity is evil and I can’t say I blame him. 10/10
Cú Chulainn (Lilith put down three but I’m only doing one to be fair)

The OG. Everything about Lancer, from his stupid hair to his “”body suit”” (it’s paint) rules. When I first played FSN I was like “people are gar for Archer when they could be gar for this guy??” 11/10
Okay so this is a really good question and I thought pretty long about it. This may end up being pretty long but the answer is: Artoria Pendragon. THE Saber. Everyone stemmed from her and it’s for good reason. Saber, to this day, the best example of King Arthur in modern media. https://twitter.com/transpacifique/status/1344142318488711170
A very important point about Saber while the vast majority of her lore stems from Malory, (many consider this to be one of the definitive versions of Arthur) TM shows their work by having references to earlier works like Monmouth’s and earlier particularly in regards her weapons.
A major point to the Fate route is Saber had TWO swords, Caliburn and Excalibur, with Excalibur being the later edition to the mythos. This is evident in her later iterations which include Rhongomyniad, and Mordred stealing Prydwen, which was a boat that later became a shield.
Saber herself toes the line between the folk hero Arthur and the chivalrous Arthur in later stories, with her quick but brutal decisions ostracizing her court despite trying to do the best thing for everyone. Is it really any surprise her wife Guinevere cheated on her?
And even if that wasn’t the trigger, Saber is far too passive (the useless king Arthur character type) to be an attentive spouse to her. Saber is far too dedicated to her job to form a meaningful relationship with most of her court, despite their loyalty to her.
It is extremely fitting that Bedivere is the one who has the fondest memories of her, given that he was present (alongside Gwalchmei, aka Gawain) alongside Arthur from the earliest Welsh myths.
There’s much more I could say on the matter but at the end of the day there’s a reason Saber has endured for so long and still enjoys such popularity. They nailed it. They really nailed it. While all the other FSN characters are also excellently researched and wonderful, +
Saber deserves the title as the Type-Moon king. The once and future king, long live the king.
Alright, I’ll do a few more and then cut it off

Nero Claudius

I don’t DISlike her. She was a pretty compelling character originally but her recent portrayals have been... pretty lackluster. She’s a solid unit and I have her at bond 10. 7/10
Phantom of the Opera

I don’t really have an opinion on him. He’s pretty under-developed so it feels like I’d be picking on him. There was a period where DW really tried to convince us he was boyfriend material and I still don’t know what that was about. Would mace/10
St. George

He’s perfect?? What else can I even say? He’s beautiful, talented, kind of a dork but in a good way. Has a pony. Any man who lets me ride his pony is a good man. Excellent boyfriend material/10
Hijikata Toshizou

The only thing I’d critique (besides losing points for being in Gudaguda hell) is that I wish he had a ponytail. He’s almost freakishly accurate to his historical counterpart. He was kind of a nutjob, right down to being unhealthily in love with takuan. 8/10

One of the best concepts they’ve come up with in years, and living proof that if you want a good Type-Moon story, stick with the original works by the TM staff. I didn’t even realize I liked him so much until I didn’t roll him and I was upset. (I got him later!) 10/10

One of the disc one final bosses in Apocrypha. I’ve always liked him even then (heh). Good design, just quirky enough and a strong show during the Russian Lostbelt. Also I never want to see his face. Mask ONLY no face. 9/10

Oh Gawain, if only you were Gwalchmei. Gwalchmei is perfect. He’s divine. An ideal Galahad wishes he could achieve.

Gawain is none of these things though. I think he looks a little too plain without his armor but he could be improved if he was chubbier. 6/10
Li Shuwen

I like them both a lot! They’re both small, extremely angry men in makeup. What more could you want? I’m a little more partial to young Li, but old Li is no slouch either. Also I want them both to smooch Qin Shi Huang. Good, fun skill sets with style. 9/10

I really like Medusa, but Gorgon leaves me feeling pretty neutral. Perhaps I would like her more if she was more monstrous? I support her endeavors to devour us no matter what our bond levels are though. Her VA is really great too! Her sisters had it coming/10

Despite liking her in the America chapter, I kind of... forgot about her. I like her no-nonsense design but find it difficult to use her in an effective fashion. I have a doujin of her and Dantes and they [the rest of this tweet has been censored for content] 7/10
Jeanne d’Arc

One of my favorite characters from Apo. Maybe one day she’ll star in an anime. I enjoy how she’s a pretty straight interpretation of her historical self compared to some of the quirkier cast members. Her skills could use work, but she’s a mainstay on my team. 10/10
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