1. More on Biden and the vaccines.
The only involvement Biden has had with these vaccines is to receive his dose before the rest of us.  His press missives are cheap and pathetic, attention-seeking self-promotion about how he will nationalize industries to speed up production
2. (actually, that would cause enormous dislocation and slowdowns); how he will speed up the process to ensure all Americans are vaccinated soon (this, from the guy who spent months insisting we were moving too fast).
3. Meanwhile, the media scribes jot down and regurgitate his every word as if he's some wise man or statesman.  Quite the contrary.
4. Biden is desperately trying to tear down the president, his administration, and all that has been accomplished so he can be said to have saved the day with his special management skills and years of incredible experience.
5. The fact is, President Trump made all of this possible, he has saved millions of lives in the U.S. and worldwide when this is said and done; and when it counted, Biden was wearing a mask, hiding in his basement, shooting spitballs at the president,
6. and looking and sounding stupid all the time. That's who the test-cheating, plagiarizing, lying, low-IQ, self-promoting Joe Biden is and will always be.   I said weeks ago this is what he would do, and he's doing it.
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