My best friends worked with their hands. All older men who invested in me and that’s gone now. No wood, auto and metal shop in school. Blue collar boys (and girls!) are being shoved aside. We are as a society writing off a third of our future population.
Sorry for the long screed but this eats at me more and more as I grow older. I have money in my pocket because a child was taught the value of building, built a business and became a pillar of his community.
Now excuse my sexism🙄 but boys need structure, rules, programs and discipline. An apprenticeship is a god send to these boys. Especially in a world where fathers are not present, journeymen and company owners are waiting. The trades saved my life.
Cutting it short of cheesy, anyone in the trades, you have saved any young man worth saving. Human nature is not easily changed. What made you an employer and achieve what you have is not selfish, it’s a gateway for anyone to do the same
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