If you work in social, there is always going to be some pressure to produce. It comes with the job of course.

But I’ve found the internal pressure we put on ourselves produces a lot of unnecessary chaos.

We have to quiet our own voices.
One thing I’ve learned over the years is the importance of tempering this internal pressure.

This means understanding the importance of your role, the work & how it impacts the biz goals. &, trying to be laser-sharper focused on those.

(easier said than done I realize)
This industry can often make you feel like more is better and nothing is enough.

But “more” without a “why” just leads to burnout, zero creativity & watered down work that doesn’t actually drive biz results.
If you feel a bit of imposter syndrome & the need to constantly do more without understanding why, take a step back & take a deep breath.

Good work is not measured by volume. It’s measured by how we help drive biz goals forward.
Priorities produce great work. Don’t apologize for that.
You can follow @WarJessEagle.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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