“You must always remember that to lead, one must first learn to follow”

–Haile Selassie


>>Why you should follow these accounts.<<

//A Thread// 👇👇

~The Sage of Silicon Valley~

You're most likely already following him but definitely worth a mention.

Probably the best unverified/verified account on Twitter.

👉 #Wisdom👈

The only thread you'll ever have to read on "How to Get Rich."

~Simplifer In-Charge~

If a picture can speak a thousand words it would have to be one of Jack's.

Jack's work best exemplifies the following quote.

"There is beauty in simplicity" - Gail Lynne Goodwin

Check out his work here. 👇👇👇 https://buildonceselltwice.visualizevalue.com/ 

~The Dating Coach~

Doing more for the single man than any pickup line ever did.

Follow for great dating tips & everyday practical wisdom. https://thedatingboss.com 

~Twitter Creation Wizard~

He has probably changed Twitter content creation forever.

You're probably following a number of his students already.

Never run out of content again!

Learn How to Create Content ➜ http://bit.ly/3hjaO9F 
(93 perfect 5-star reviews.)

~Twitter's Most Generous Value Giver~

Staring a business? Then you'd be dumb not to follow.

The thread of all business threads!
Read here👇👇

Probably the best course on starting your own business on Twitter.👇👇

~Thee Twitter Relationship coach~

Taking the guesswork out of relationships one tweet at a time.

She's got multiple PhDs for god's sake. I think it's safe to say that you can take her advice.💯💯💯

Check out her system here!👇 https://gumroad.com/l/idealpartner 

~Twitter Growth & Engagement Authority~

55k+ Followers within 10 months!

The growth of this account is for a lack of better words, astonishing.

If you want to grow your account, then give him a follow. http://wiseconnector.ctcin.bio 

~Bad Ass, Self-Improvement Coach~

Israeli Judo Athlete, common, that's just plain cool.

A Must Follow.

Grab her guide on how to Overcome Procrastination here!👇 (Do it now because we know you're not going to later😉)
You can follow @FirstThePain.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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