Trump has actively encouraged his supporters to gather in DC on Wednesday, January 6th for another #StopTheSteaI2020 rally/protest.

It's not going to change the outcome. Biden *will* be Inaugurated on January 20th. But many of his supporters haven't accepted that. /1
During the course of the day, Congress will accept the Electoral Votes. Even if signed objections are raised for each of the six swing states that Trump lost, that will not delay the process indefinitely; Congress has rules about how long they can deliberate or recess. /2
It is likely that Biden's win will be accepted by Congress on the 6th, while most of the protestors are still in town.

It is likely that the more dedicated protestors, seeking to intimidate members of Congress, will remain in town until the process ends. /3
This means that the most fanatic members of the Trump cult - including PBs and QAnon - will be in DC to witness Congress declaring Biden the 46th President.

Obviously, they will NOT be happy about that. /4
Many #AntiFascist and #BLM folks will likely be in town to confront the worst White Nationalist elements of Trump's cult, just as they were for the rally a couple of weeks ago.

Confronting Fascists is important and dangerous, so big respect from me to everyone doing this. /5
That said, if you're planning to be one of the counter-protestors in DC, I'm guessing this will be an *especially* dangerous time.

For two months, Trump and others have lied to these folks, telling them that the election was stolen.

They are angry. And desperate. /6
Even the ones who know that the election was not stolen understand how useful that rage can be. After all, they want to intimidate Congress and the VP.

Some may even be hoping that a violent confrontation will spark a hot Civil War across America. /7
So if you go, please go with your eyes wide open to the uniqueness of the situation and the risks it implies. ESPECIALLY if you plan to be out at night.

You're facing the proverbial wounded dog that has been cornered.

And if you're relatively new to this, some tips: /8
Do NOT go alone. Go in a group, stay together, and look out for each other.

Have a planned location to meet at if you get separated.

Have some means of communication - walkie-talkies, burner phones, or a cell phone you won't mind losing or having confiscated. /9
If cops decide to use tear gas, YOU - not the red hats - will be the likely targets. Read up on that stuff, and what to take with you to best deal with it. Just in case.

Keep an eye out for street medics. They're your best friends if shit goes south. /10
Know that some people will try to start a fight by getting right in your face and screaming at you or waving their hands at you.

If you're inexperienced and can't remain cool and calm in a situation like that, you probably should stay off the front line. /11
One last thing to remember:

Trump lost.

He's out of the White House on January 20th, and *nothing* his followers do can change that. NOTHING.

The best they can hope for at this march is to use your body as a punching bag.

Don't fucking let them.

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