Since the vaccine rollout 2 weeks ago, way more people have been diagnosed with #COVID19 than were vaccinated against it.

The stated goal of vaccinating 20 million by years end definitely won’t happen. In fact, at this rate, it would take years to vaccinate enough Americans...🧵
For months we’ve been concerned that the last-mile logistics of the vaccine rollout weren’t as well-coordinated as the amazing science that got us vaccines in record time.

And now that vaccines are here, we’re seeing massive delays in getting vaccine out and injected into arms.
Creating a safe vaccine in record time is undoubtedly hard.

But quickly getting it out - all across the country, in vials at subarctic temperatures, to facilities big and small, and ultimately into peoples’ arms in a coordinated fashion - is arguably harder.
Some of this delay is due to long-term underinvestment in public health facilities, people & infrastructure.

Some of this is due to the lack of a coordinated plan & inadequate funding. This should’ve been in place months ago. But here we are.

Every day and every delay matters.
Yes, there is light at the end of the tunnel, but it’s faint and the tunnel is longer than it might appear.

We absolutely need to do everything possible to quickly get vaccines out. And in the meantime, double-down on the simple things we know save lives.
You can follow @Craig_A_Spencer.
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