This year wasn’t great but I’ve just put together a thread for myself on the things that happened this year by month.

(Yes this is a knock off tokyo 2020 shirt - the only cursed paraphernalia of this year I will keep)
January 2020 - Spenser was in Australia for 6 weeks and kept missing my facetimes. TBF he’d call me back but I missed him!
February 2020: I held out hope for the best democratic nominee (Warren 4ever), Spenser came back!, got some PRs at the gym that I hope to reestablish, saw some art. This was the last “normal” month and it was truly packed with good memories to last the year.
March 2020: We are supposed to go to Montreal and Mexico City, but the pandemic hit and so we pivoted. This was the start of quaranteam diaries...we didn’t think it’d need to last nearly as long as it did and I love having these photos to look back on tbh
April 2020: We (re)watched the good wife, Gigi Goode rose to prominence and then fell from grace, and we gave each other haircuts!!
May 2020: we started going outside again. We said goodbye to our place in crown heights - our first home together. Tbh I miss the molding and exposed brick.
June 2020: We protested for the abolishment of the police and we settled into our new place. Our new home was more conducive to spending 95% of our time in our apartment.
July 2020: we backpacked for the first time in our life, and reader, it was breathtaking.
August 2020: said farewell to a friend in nyc, had banana pancakes with peanut butter syrup for my birthday, committed to my first watch of Gossip Girl. Birthday parties always gave me anxiety anyway.
September 2020: got festive a bit wary cause I was overworked and depressed. (Finally admitted that Blair deserves some love) I buried myself in work for most of September and October and it was v stressful. Decorating my home was one of the few ways I found to brighten my mood
October 2020: loved some of the last warm weather neighborhood strolls of the year, dressed as Paddington Bear for Halloween
November 2020: Spenser and I celebrated our anniversary (the hat was my gift to him), “we did it Joe” party in fort green, celebrated Diwali with new clothes and showing Spenser 3 Idiots. This was a surprising positive swing to the year even though we’re still mid-pandemic
December 2020: We decorated our tree, Spenser’s getting close to his splits, it snowed!, we celebrated Christmas just the two of us for the first time. It wasn’t ideal but we painted our nails and had an indulgent dinner. I love him so much, and I’m thankful for the year we had❤️
I know I had a better year than most, so it may not be the case for everyone, but looking back on this year through photos month-by-month made me really appreciate what I would've overlooked. For those who won't find it too painful (as many will), I encourage you to do the same!
You can follow @KrisKelkar.
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