Live from Hotel Antifa.
Activists have taken over 18 rooms and refuse to pay claiming to be advocates for the homeless, but they make a lot of claims that don't pass the smell test.
First thing I noticed when I pulled up is a lack of the usual barriers, garbage and general filth that go along with these occupations. There was some evidence of drug use but it's a massive open lot. I only saw 2 people who looked homeless the rest looked like activists
Ironically, the hotel is next to an RV dealer but these are all brand new.
If local government won't stop antifa from taking over private party there is nothing to stop them from moving into these either
The parking lot was filled with media covering the story.
Every day the activists protest in the parking lot "in case the owners decide to call the police on them and the police come to kick them out"
There are other guests who are checking out because of thr activists
Yet activists claim that the owner let them stay since Christmas eve. If that is true, why are they worried about the cops?
They say their group is only 6 weeks old but we have tracked them long before this. They have walkie talkies are organized and are supplied by volunteers
I saw almost no homeless people only activists. The homeless might be in the rooms but I was not allowed inside. The hotel manager told me he told his staff not to go near the rooms so he doesn't know what shape they are in but that activists broke doors to get into 2 more rooms
While I was there a homeless person came off the street asking if this is where they could go to have a place to stay
Activists admit they cannot provide more than a "medic" for people they claim have cancer and other disease they claim they are caring for
Activists claim there is money for the homeless that isn't being spent. They told me they want this hotel to be a shelter like the ones in King County.
They also told me they picked it because it had the cheapest rate for the first night so they could gain access
While I was there a neighbor pulled up and offered the manager to rent all the rooms to help them survive this.
He said he is tired of activists pulling this crap.and getting their way. He said if there was a demand for the rooms maybe the city would be forced to make them leave
Not much else to see but a lot to tell. Activists pulled up with supplies while I was there. This is a staged PR event that was planned in advance.
If the local government won't stop Antifa from taking over private property they won't help you if they decide they want your house
That's enough for social media but look for my full write up tomorrow in @TPostMillennial
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