Thread : PR Game
They are jealous of the goodwill we got everywhere with humongous success of our very positive HT #Love4SSR ! This trend made us so credible and defeated their propaganda that we were bots !
Now they are riled and want to strip us of that goodwill we earned !
So as per the age old strategy of destroying credibility or any movement they decided to start our defamation , once defamation is achieved it (you will see how friendly media helps them) would be so easy to discredit us calling us trolls and online tormentors!
They started this first with starting hate campaign via their stooges in this movement by attacking Eray who had given the idea of Love4SSR HT. And that Ht killed all hatred with love got us accolades everywhere for our positive attitude
Can you imagine how much this hurt the PR ? So they appointed Rohini 2Bhk to throw a troll bait to test waters , SSrians lapped it up .. then they got killed a positive HT about trusting CBI , then they inserted very random HT against blind writer ..
My question is what was the need of suddenly do a pointed attack on the blind writer? Why such a step out of blue and that too with a whole HT dedicated to him?
And so people frantically started tweeting using vile words tagging the blind writer , most of these people as i recognize them are PR infiltrators! Some of us saw theough the deception and told about it to fellow ssrians , who agreed and the refrained from using the HT !
Yes we are all angry with the way Bollywood treated SSR , but we need to see the nefarious designs behind these random and targetted attacks on those vily foxes! They will always use it to cry victim and defame us !
And while we were discussing it ! PR got to work and declared us BJp IT cell .. right here! This is only the first allegation!! Tomorrow morning will bring many more new allegations and defamation for us
It is such a painful thing to see that people lack discretion so much !!
They just walk into the trap of negativity!!
Anger can be used in better way but mostly we just convert into negativity and resentment and others take benefit of it !
This is all i had to say ! And as i mentioned before many months of the year will attack me for this ! Their wellwishers in my followers will be sharing screenshots of my tweets warning people! I will be called PR and what not ! But I don’t care! I will keep speaking truth
Any diversion from the demand for justice for SSR and Disha will be considered PR infiltrators activity by me specially if our HTs are used for such nefarious designs like today’s HT!
At the end use your brains and intuition and question everything and everyone!
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