I don't like the narrative that's going around a lot lately, that masking is a privilege. It's a survival strategy, but I wouldn't call it a privilege.
Often people think that if you can mask, your problems probably aren't that bad, and then they refuse to help even when you 1/2
do ask for it. Or when you can't keep it up anymore, they think you're just acting out, because you seemed fine before.

I do agree that not being able to mask also takes away a survival strategy, posing its own risks. It leaves you incredibly vulnerable.

At the same time 2/3
people are sooner likely to take you seriously and offer help, as your disability is visible.
But that's not a privilege either, because of the aforementioned vulnerability. You're open to all kinds of abuse, and people imposing the kind of help you have never asked for and 3/4
might not even need and/or want at that time.

So I think neither is a privilege, and I would like everyone to stop talking like that. Disabilities just present differently and we all have different struggles in different areas.
We can't fight divided. Stand together, please. 4/4
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