If your Comrades hit the streets and you don't like it, you hit the streets to keep them safe. I get that it sucks but imagine how much more it would suck leaving your people to wolves. Don't do it. Follow leadership. https://twitter.com/johnpavlovitz/status/1343914064066576386
My streets suuuuuuuck and I know they're not safe. If you know they're not safe, there's a non-zero chance you saw the same shit I did. WE know that it's not safe.

That's why we don't leave folks out alone.
Uniquely, I went out alone against anti-maskers and Nazis this year. I also went out with and for my city.

I've seen it from all the angles: hell, I've stayed home, too!

I'm telling you from all of them: stand with your people. That's the right angle.
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