Message 12/29/2020. As I drove to the ocean, I tuned into the energy. I heard that today’s energy is that of purified crystalline consciousness of the Creator, the result of the combined frequencies of plasma pure consciousness energy, 12th dimensional diamond coded energy, 6-9th
2. dimensional crystalline light codes & other plasma ray frequencies. This mixed bag of energies so to speak will allow us to unknow that which no longer serves us and to know that which we truly are. These are the energies taking us off of the conveyor belt of 3D life and onto
3. the path of 5D living. The next image I see is the male angel who makes frequent appearances in my messages. I hear he is a sailor on the high seas and he was ordained by God to be here. He is ecstatic that victory of the light is assured. However, he always keeps a
4. watchful eye for any situation that may have to be dealt with. He says that he studied ancient scriptures and knows from his studies that victory is promised by the power and grace of almighty God. He is an angel who chose to incarnate at this time to assure the light is
5. victorious. The last image I see is of the Christ. He points to his heart and says the main idea in his teachings was to remind humanity to turn their attention inward to the heart where the Father dwells. It is here we will know how to live a good life, a life filled
6. with the promises The Father has for us. It is in this place of the inner sanctum of the sacred heart where we will realize our connectedness to the Father and to each other. Living from the heart like a child is how to live a life that is of one's divinity.
7. Sitting by the ocean I look out and see the reflection of the sun directly in front of me. The light is so powerful it is awakening light within each of us. Billions of suns begin to rise in our cells illuminating us with our divinity making us aware of our place in the Golden
8. Age of Enlightenment. Tuning into the energy I hear."Ah yes, all is well. All is well. For you see, from our perspective we see the events unfolding as the earth is moving toward the victory of the light! It will be quite the awakening for some but ultimately the rough patch
9. that you are going through will lead you on a road of bliss and pure beauty the likes of which humanity has never experienced before. We are well aware of the troubles so many of you believe is the reality you are living in. This is true to an extent but if you have been
10. following these messages for a while you will know that the reality you live in is based upon your frequency and the resulting perspective of the world. You can take a situation for example, a rainstorm and see how the reality it creates is a matter of perspective.
11. One person might view the dark clouds and the rain as something they do not want because it prevents them from seeing the sun and spending the day outdoors. The gardener whose crops are in need of the rain sees the rain as something that holds promise and relief
12. as now his crops will be well watered. The view w/ which you choose to see your world makes a difference in what you think the events will lead to. Is the chaos you see a sign the world is on the brink of total disaster or is it a sign that it is at a point of breakthrough
13. for a new world to emerge. We the galactics easily see that the chaos will lead to order & will bring resolution as it deletes the old way of being that led to so much suffering. It will bring forth a new world of glory, this we assure you. From our perspective we can see the
14. fluidity of events and the progress and order behind them that will ultimately bring great joy. So we ask you to again not dwell on the events of the outer world but to do as the great master teacher Christ showed humanity in such an eloquent way to live your life as a child.
15. Watch a child play. Observe their behavior. Do you ever see them worry about a story they just heard on the news and lose their interest to play as a result? The answer is a resounding no, for a child remembers how to live from the heart. They trust in the flow and
16. beauty of life and they get lost in the world of their imagination to create a world in their play that they desire to be in. We ask that you spend time to play like a child and use the beautiful creative powers of your imagination to create a paradise on earth in which all
17. that is good is here for your enjoyment. Do you hear what we are asking you to do? We are asking you to spend time taking a break from the cerebral worries and concerns and
go into your heart center to imagine joy. Spend your time in the energy of joy. This is a game changer
18. for humanity as this joy energy is a catalyst to bring great change to earth. The more who practice being in joy the quicker the timeline will be to bring in the joyous world and the worrisome low frequency news of the past will dissolve. Poof, it shall be gone because you
19. used the power of your God given consciousness to transform the world to what you want by focusing on it and not on what you don’t want. You see, a simple shift in perspective is all it takes.
20. ‘Be still & know that I Am God, Be still & know that I am the Creator of all. All power and glory is from me, the Great I Am. I Am here in the field with perfect vision, the all seeing eye of creation. It is from me that all creation begins effortlessly, flowing seamlessly,
21. everlasting on the field of divine intelligence. I Am the power & the glory as all originates from the creation that is me. I have fashioned my children of light,my children of divinity from the seeds of consciousness that are of me encrypted with a sacred code of divinity.
22. Be still. Hear me and see me as I see you on the field of harmonic convergence, on the field where we flow together resonating the symphony of the ages. In this field there is one prerequisite to flow and that is with the love that I have given to you. It is here spinning
23. in the field. It is here illuminating the field with an energy of joy, the essence of who you are. To be on the field is to be as I created you, to recognize the divinity of you. I Am the Great I Am and I have mirrored this in you. You are of me and I am within.
24. Seek me and find me here in the field of divine consciousness and all of your days shall be blessed.’”
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