This may upset a lot of people. This may cost me followers. But I’ll be honest.

(A Thread)

Just because I am your friend on Twitter does not mean that I am going to purchase your book.

⬇️Before you attack me⬇️
There seems to be this sort of mentality with writers & their friends/followers that: if you don’t buy my book, you aren’t supporting me.

This is undoubtedly, 100% utter bullshit. Let me explain!
I would never want someone to feel obligated to buy my book due to their relationship with me (online or in person).

My story may not be for you. My writing style may not be your cup of tea. You can love someone as a person but have a different taste in a literary sense!
You want to know what is still just as awesome? Recommending my book to someone who loves my genre. Sharing my posts about my book. Whatever, how small, would mean the world to me.

But don’t purchase it if it is not for you!
I feel like so many people hold an imaginary gun to their head to purchase a book that their friend wrote because of their relationship.

This is not true friendship. But a transaction.

Support does not equal money.
Support does not equal sales.
Again. Just because we are friends does not mean I’ll purchase your book. Because, well, if it’s not my genre then it was NOT WRITTEN FOR ME.

Therefore, I cannot judge the piece fairly with a tainted viewpoint of said genre/style going in.
So. Don’t purchase a book if it isn’t for you. Don’t feel obligated to purchase one of my books to “support” or please me.

Buy it because you want to. Buy it because the story intrigues you. Buy it because you love the genre.
All support is welcome. A share. A like. Even a tiny little comment! There is so much more to it all.

So please. Don’t just expect a purchase from me or anyone just because of your relationship.
I want you to enjoy my work organically. And I think every author should want that from a reader.

Read it because it’s the genre or story you love. And not because of whose name is on the cover.

You are not obligated to do anything.
You can follow @PJStanleyAuthor.
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