A lot of people don’t realize this actually is an incredibly effective response to terrorist attacks — especially when there are political motivations — because it keeps potential copycats from thinking about it. There’s a reason almost nobody ever talks about Christopher Dorner https://twitter.com/photosbycooper/status/1343628671723175941
This was immediately clear to me after the Micah X Johnson thing, which we just stopped talking about completely the day after it happened. I was actually scared there was gonna be a crackdown on BLM but then Gingrich went on TV and said the peaceful protesters kinda had a point
If you make a big deal of it and start raising awareness, potential copycats start asking why they don’t just do the same thing. That’s also why when that guy came close to killing several GOP senators explicitly because of the ACA repeal efforts it was off the news in 24 hours
Anyway this is why it’s often not a good idea to ask the president to Condemn White Supremacist Terrorists. When people wage terrorist attacks for political goals it’s often a smart move to pretend they didn’t so they don’t get attention.
Anyway fucking white nationalist psychos and gun nuts have enough violent fantasies about going to war with the government. When someone wants a fight it’s often better not to give it to them
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