If I were @CityofLdnOnt, I would simply keep the Thames River Parkway path free of treacherous ice.
I found myself in London Ontario today and thought I'd go for a walk with my kid along the river and through Gibbons Park. It was nice except for mostly looking down so I wouldn't fall on the ice.
Lots of folks use these paths! I found it about as busy as Victoria Park or the Iron Horse Trail in Kitchener. (Which are generally well cleared.)
The Gibbons Park bridge seems like an important and rare pedestrian neighbourhood connector across the river, but it's a sheet of ice, so is unlikely to be doing that job very well.
I don't know much about #LdnOnt policy but it seems like a missed opportunity if you have a picturesque path network that lots of people want to use, and then just ignore it in the winter.
Also, this would be nice wayfinding if the indicated washrooms weren't closed for the season.
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