FWIW House "Patriot Republicans" Tactics Explained

-Simply put, Rs plan to object to EVs on numerous grounds.

-Raising Objections, one after another.

-Trying to get them to also object to *individual* EVs on procedural grounds (a leftist tactic).

-This way the count drags on.
FWIW House 2

-During Election 1876, Dems raised an objection to ONE R electoral vote in Oregon on a technicality.

-Under the ECA of 1887, this would trigger a 2 hour debate over a single EV.

-So, my suggestion is they challenge EVs individually as well as state slates in toto.
FWIW House 3

-In theory, this would take hundreds of hours to process.

-For example, PA's 20 EVs, which the SL has petitioned Congress to reject, would take 20 x 2 = 40 hours to debate.

-During the debate, evidence can be presented on live 📺.
FWIW House 4

-I speak more to those tactic on Episode 003 of Max Radio on RSBN.

-Once an objection is raised and debated both houses must vote on whether to accept or reject the EVs.

-House Rs are planning to vote by Delegation, as 12A stipulates (the ECA is silent on this).
FWIW House 5

-Dems will challenge this premise, but it will be up to the presiding officer (the President of the Senate) to adjudicate the dispute.

-If Rs win this argument w/the Senate President, it is likely the Dem House will sustain objections even if the R Senate does not.
FWIW House 6

-Regardless, this is *within* the confines of the Electoral Count Act of 1887.

-As I said in Episode 1-2 of the Max Radio broadcasts, the VP could IMHO place it on the side.

So, pray if you pray and if you don't...maybe you should start. 🙏
*Place the Act on the side.
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