Here’s how to understand the PERCEPTION of a clash of values that will be hyped in coming months:

The Trump administration — out of laziness, incompetence, sheer misunderstanding of governance, you decide — has devolved responsibility for everything COVID-related downward. /1
This is not some reflection of federalism or libertarian values — in plenty of cases this admin has been happy to centralize influence and control, and Republicans have whistled along.

This is specifically about not being responsible for COVID outcomes. It’s very transparent. /2
Testing. Data collection. Vaccine distribution. Regulations and rules and controls. Lockdowns or not. Benefits or not. “The states will decide!”

Of course they do this without offering the data, guidance, and standards that afford the states the ability to do this better. /3
This fantabulous “sh*t rolls downhill” attitude from the Trump WH is then embraced and reflected by certain states, in particular those who want to show loyalty to Trump.

Counties will decide.
Cities will decide.
Individual hospitals/pharmacies will figure it out.

Sh*tshow /4
So many of those who should be held accountable have written themselves a hall pass and kicked the van to the lowest possible level of responsibility.

This atomization of responsibility is why Americans are dying like no one else in the world. /5
The Biden administration will not devolve responsibility downward.

They will not say “CVS is responsible for saving all Americans” from a failure of governance to this point.

Conservatives will try to frame this as a clash of values to incite their base onward. It isn’t. /6
This is about government *accepting responsibility* for stuff government should be responsible for again.

So Americans stop dying utterly needlessly.

The new admin will need to proactively frame this. /7
This is not about “taking away freedom.”

It’s about government accepting responsibility to end a crisis that had had immeasurable impact in realigning American society and accelerating disruptions that were coming anyway, but now faster, faster. /8
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