Found this delusion on Parler, so, so much of which is dedicated to the fantasy of Trump as warrior/berserker/assassin/sniper who is going to murder everyone who ever made his believers feel small.
What's fascinating about these Parler memes of Trump as Time's Person of the Year--and Trump's own fantasy of himself as being congratulated by world leaders--is that they're absolutely obsessed with the respect of the traditional elites they claim to have made obsolete.
Consider that popular Parler post declaring that Trump would soon preside over executions not just of the "deep state" but also in the NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL (listed in that order, which perhaps has racial meaning). These "free speech" champions want athletes killed--for speech.
But that's not really why MAGA extremists want pro athletes killed, which is why they see no contradiction. The "crime" of pro athletes was to make some white fans feel small and unappreciated. MAGAs, who declare "fuck yr feelings," are devoted above all to feelings--theirs.
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