1. To all you out there calling for Canada to close it's airports, be careful. Here's why:

A. First and foremost, we will become prisoners in our country, like the North Koreans are. How long do you think our airports will be closed for? 2 weeks to flatten the "variant" curve?
B. How many variants will there be? We could be trapped indefinitely. 2 weeks to flatten the curve... here we are, 10 months later.

C. How will our politicians like @RodPhillips01 fly south while telling us to lockdown, and hiding the fact he was away while he did it?
D. @JustinTrudeau has 1.2 million immigrants to flood us with and put on welfare. You can't do that with a closed airport.

E. I will close by putting your minds at ease, with one travel related factoid that proves none of this is real.
The airlines are...
E... giving away free "covid" insurance coverage on select flights and vacation packages. Ya think they'd do that if any of this was real? You don't get to buy fire insurance when your house is burning.

#WakeUp #Sheeple... it's all a hoax!
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