
Dear General Public,
Don't be fooled by the utter BS that is the government concern for the mental health of young people. In their entire time in power, they have done nothing but make cuts to education and facilities that supported children's mental health.
They are using mental health as their scape goat. Do not be sucked in by it. Do not be fooled into thinking they actually give a shit about the mental stability of anybody. Do not fall for their utter nonsense.

Schools need to be open, but only when they are safe to do so.
Try talking metal health to a student whose grandparent contracted Covid and passed away, as a result of them carrying the virus after close contact with another positive case in their year group 'bubble'.

We are not shirking work. We are not wanting extra holiday.
We want our students, their families and their communities to be safe.

Schools have never once closed during this pandemic. Teachers have never once had 'extra time off'. We have never worked harder, and we will continue to do so, but remotely until measures are in place to stop
2021 being 2020.2 or - if current figures are anything to go by- even worse.

Make it safe.
Give school leaders time.
Trust the education profession.
Make learning remote whilst we put the measures in place.
You can follow @MrsRileyEng.
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