Here's what happened today in the Senate regarding the $2000 checks, for anyone confused.

Two items are on the agenda--overriding Trump's NDAA veto & the stimulus payment increase.

Sanders & Markey plan to leverage one to get the other--but Dem leadership may stop them (thread)
Issue #1: Overriding Trump's NDDA veto

Last week, Trump vetoed our massive NDAA (our defense budget) that Congress passed. There are numerous concerns with the legislation, but Trump is focusing on repealing Section 230 and blocking renaming of confederate named bases.
The NDAA is a must-pass piece of legislation. The military cannot be funded without it.

Some Democrats and Republicans have opposed what is in this NDAA and voted against it last week, but passing this is largely bipartisan.

Both parties want to override Trump's veto.
Issue #2: The Stimulus Increase from $600 to $2000

Because Trump is now behind increasing the $600 payment to $2000, the vast majority of Democrats now support this (previously, Democrats didn't even agree to put any survival check in the latest package before pushing for $600).
The House voted on both Issue #1 and Issue # 2 last night.

Both the override of Trump's NDAA veto and the stimulus increase passed the House.

Both of these went to the Senate this morning.
This morning, McConnell wanted unanimous consent to override President Trump's veto for the NDAA, without addressing the $2000 payments on his desk.

If each Senator consented to support overriding Trump's NDAA veto, the Senate can close and everybody can go home for New Years.
Senator Bernie Sanders and Senator Ed Markey both opposed this, stating that they will not unanimously consent to override Trump's NDAA veto unless the $2000 stimulus increase is brought on the floor for a vote.
McConnell was then forced to schedule a Senate vote tomorrow on the veto override.

However, Senator Sanders may oppose this further, and filibuster this vote until the end of this week, keeping the Senate in session until past the New Year, preventing Senators from going home.
Sanders and Markey plan to filibuster and delay this must-pass veto override until a floor vote occurs for the $2000 payments.

While Republicans in the Senate largely oppose increasing the payments, some, including both Georgia Senators up for reelection, moved to support it.
Senator Schumer then tried to bring the Senate to unanimous consent to agree to the $2000 payments. McConnell opposed this.

(Calling for unanimous consent is not the same as a Senate floor vote It's basically a shortcut to pass something without calling everyone in for a vote).
McConnell then said the Senate would consider $2000 payments if it includes a couple of things on Trump's wishlist--including the repeal of section 230 in the NDAA and opposing the renaming of confederate bases.

However, Senator Sanders and Markey stated they want a clean bill.
However today, the Democratic whip, Senator Durbin, is pushing to pass the override of Trump's veto of the NDAA.

This is essentially pulling the rug out from under Sanders and Markey's plan to hold leverage against the Republicans.
We will know more tomorrow when the Senate resumes session, and whether Dems in the Senate will join Sanders and Markey in delaying the veto override, bring up some new way to leverage Senate Republicans, or accept the $2000 payments if they include some Trump wish list items.
Unfortunately, I don’t have high hopes for the Senate Democrats to leverage Republicans.

You can, however, call your senator and demand for $2000 payments, or demand they stand with Sanders and Markey in delaying the veto until a vote for $2000 is on the floor.
McConnell just put out a new bill, which combines the $2000 payments, repealing Section 230, and putting together a bipartisan committee to study on the "election fraud" in the 2020 presidential race.

Here's the text what that committee would study:
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