So I think I'll finally talk about the theory that kokichi was suppose to bring shuichi into the hanger with him (this is gonna be a thread)
So, on kokichis whiteboard it says "trustworthy?" under shuichis name which means exactly that, that he might be able to trust him, specifically to help him carry out his plan. We can assume that this was written before ch 4 and so once it was time to investigate mius murder (1/5
he needed to test whether or not they could work well together in the hanger. this is why for ch 4 investigation he stole him away from kaito so he could try to figure it out. I'm assuming for kokichi things were going well. His detective skill were promising and they were (2/5)
working well together so at this point he was probably going to take him with him. Except that changed during ch 4 trial. Shuichi lied. He lied about where kokichi was because he couldn't believe it was gonta/someone else or he was just trying to take a shortcut. This pissed (3/5
kokichi off because he doesn't mind lying when you're trying to use it to find the truth but here shuichi was lying because it was easy and "it couldn't have been anyone else". He wasn't trying to find the truth and this is why he got mad. And that also made him doubt taking (4/5
shuichi into the hanger with him so he had to pick someone else. My guess was the he picked kaito because he was already dying because of his illness and/or he was easy to manipulate (5/5)
Aksjsj this is my favorite theory and I hope I worded this well
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