People think what I'm about to say is some sort of conspiracy theory but it's not.

The western world suffers from a mental health pandemic and in order to sustain its existing philosophy and power structures the treatments available conveniently miss the actual causes.
Atomised individuals, dysfunctional families, the old left to die, narcissism being rewarded in corporate societies, processed foods, lack of exercise, and growing media toxicity in our brains means we're absolutely bound for disaster.
Does thus mean your local psychiatrist or psychologist is lying to you? Absolutely not. In fact they're trying their level best to make you better *within* the system. The fact is that they themselves are underpaid and overwhelmed by the epidemic and simply can't cope.
Some diseases are obviously beyond saving from mere societal changes alone - although at this stage in psychiatric studies its difficult to establish the inherent vs environmental influence.

But for those that are you can rest assured the system isn't going to help you at all.
People are genuinely mentally sick. There's a complete lack of spirituality, belonging and communal spirit. We're becoming part of surveillance capitalism, having our moves monitored and products curated.

We are at the mercy of the very things we thought made us free.

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