Racism is baked into our Americana Apple Pie.

An American who feels entitled based on melatonin is a lie.
🇺🇸founded w/1 glaring flaw, slavery (racism),which was believed 2B tradition from antiquity,itself a partial lie. Romans had slaves,but they were not slaves based on race/
ethnicity, they could gain freedom, & had court rights.

Our forefathers had slaves, allowed slavery although they knew it was wrong,& today,this perverse evil still exists in our society. Here is just 1 story of how our fathers treated POC.
Virginia planter Robert Carter said “I have cured many a Negro of running away by this means.” The penalty the law allowed? Cutting off a slaves toes.
Another discipline was called pickling. You could flog (whips with tiny metal shards that rips into flesh) then dip them in a salty brine solution to inflict maximum pain but not death.
To increase production on a slave owners farm, they found that if they whipped “the small ones” (kids 8-10) in front of the slaves, the older slaves productivity increased.
It was colonial practice to change the names of slaves & horses & name them after classical figures to reflect the owners understanding of classicism, names like Caractacus, or Diomede. Decades after emancipation a frequent grievance of slaves were the loss of their real names.
Let that ruminate for a moment...of all the cruelty slaves endured, but the taking of their real names were the grievance spoken. How would you feel if someone took your family name & renamed you like a horse, a dog or cattle?
This country is at a long awaited crossroads.

It is up to every person TODAY to take a unyielding stand against racism.

I hope & pray that we are the generation to #RiseUp to say in one #Unified voice...end systemic racism ✝️⚖️ ☮️🗽

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