Hey so, here's a thread on approaching creatives to collaborate with. Some do's and some don'ts, and some things you need to think about. #Collaboration #Thread
First thing is first. Personally I love to collaborate and am of the opinion that more minds is more better, up to a point. I'm open to collaborations and have had some fab ones this year with @thecountessdia @SeekingMissHyde Rascal, @Tigzy and a few vanilla I won't mention here
But not everyone likes collaborating. Plenty of artists prefer to work alone and that's ok. Researching someone web presence is an essential first step to see if they are open to collabs, and what kind of work they do.
and when I say essential, I mean ESSENTIAL. Sending a copy and paste message to loads of 'fish' hoping one will bite is a sure way to get you ignored, no matter how good the project is. Especially if the message is vague like ' hey I have an idea', or ' we should work together'
Sure, I might click on your profile if the grammar is good, but unless your profile is standout, you'll get ignored or a snarky reply. Don't waste people's time. If you don't respect their time, how on earth are you showing you respect their work enough to want to be part of it
So secondly. Have you actually thought about the project you want to collaborate in? It's okay not to be fully fledged, you want to collaborate so you'll need their input but here are some things it's useful to know (and display you have thought about)before approaching someone:
1) Time: How long is this project going to take to execute? What time do we need to set aside to edit, to plan, to prepare, to publish etc
2) Costs involved. Will there be costs, what will they be and who is footing them?
3) Rights to the project: who's going to publish etc ...
4) Location. Can this be done remotely, or do we need to come together physically, in which case, where, and have you factored in time and costs of travel.
5) Who is going to take the lead of managing the project? Who is taking responsibility 4 making sure it hits the set target
6) AND MOST IMPORTANTLY Why are you approaching the person that you are. What is it about their work that makes you want them on board? Don't just flatter (do a bit) but take specific references from their work you like and say why that inspired you to get in touch
7) Think about what they will gain from putting their time and energy into this project. Is it just to fulfil your dream? Then pay them. Have they put out a call looking for XYZ that you can provide? Do you have a relevant SM following that they'd want to be featured on?
There are loads of ways to scratch each others backs that don't include money, but if you aren't known to someone and you don't bother to research them, it's highly unlikely you will get anywhere at all.
Above all, details matter. Demonstrate that your project has legs and isn't just going to be another dream to waste precious time and resources on. Be polite and proof read your messages. If they have a listed email, use that, don't DM on social media unless no other option.
Anyway, that's it for now. Feel free to add your tips in comments or show off any collaborations you are proud of and how they came about.

I look forward to never having a flaccid "hey....want t collab xxx" in my inbox again. 🤗🤓
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