2020 Sucked. I took some steps to make it suck less for me. I am *really* happy with how these changes affected my mental health.
After watching the @Netflix Documentary "The Social Dilemma" I deleted all the social media apps from my phone. (except Strava since my GPS cyclometer died)
I disabled notifications on my phone for everything but phone calls, text messages, and the pager app we use at work. Yes, no notifications on emails. None.

My attention is mine. I will defend it viciously.
I disabled notifications for *all* applications on my computer. If I'm on my computer, I'm generally working. Also, macOS's notifications anchor to the top right of the screen and get in the way. It's a terrible design.
After years of thinking "I should meditate" and being turned off by the spirituality associated with it, I discovered @wakingup by Sam Harris. It's a purely secular and science-based meditation regimen. I cannot overstate the effect this has had on my life.
From the Waking Up regimen, I learned to "begin again." I also learned to stop shaming myself for not meeting my goals. "Begin again" is a core part of that. If I skipped a day of exercise, rather than feel bad, I just begin again today. It's a super power.
I continued to see a mental health professional. I had stress and anxiety lead to life altering physical illnesses since 2018. I should have talked to someone sooner. I am in a much better place now and am dedicated to maintaining my mental health.
To summarize: I took steps to value, own, and train my attention. It's really as simple as that. If I'm able to be present where I am, in what I'm doing, I'm more effective and enjoy myself more.

I have a long way to go, but these small changes had a big impact.

You can follow @reyjrar.
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