This will be a very long thread regarding a neighboring country across the baltic sea and why intersectionality and socialism are the two demons that are the reason why homophobia is on the rise . I am talking about Poland so if you are polish please correct me @MarkPl08
Looking at you.
Few countries has such tragic history and less than pleasant turn of events and PTSD if you will.
The country at one point didn't even exist for close to two centuries.
And nearly never resurrected.
It has both the blessing and curse with its location
Squeezed between great powers it had always been a crown jewel prize. When your culture ,language even religion are under threat you will do anything to preserve your identity. In Poland religion became the very essence and preserver of their culture and identity.
When Poland again became an independent country and sovereign entity the church again became the glue in its society. Poland is very unique as it became catholic rather than orthodox in the middle ages. In short what being polish meant that you also were catholic
And not the relative liberal Irish version either. Customs and rituals survived there when they died out elsewhere.
Come now the second world war and the devastating german occupation. Priests and cultural individuals and intellectuals all sent to the gas chambers.
And what about the communist armies from Russia? Well, Russia always wanted to occupy Poland and Russia and Germany made a deal in splitting the country between them and preferably exterminate the polish identity. And when the war started to be in Russia's favor
Then the least known massacre of made BY SOCIALIST took place. I am talking ofc about Katyn . And the displacement of the country itself .
Today's Poland is only about 3/5 it's original size and a lot more westward than it used to. The Russians massacred polish
Resistance and even other non stalinist communists all in effort to kill all hopes of a free Poland again. And they tried to blame it on the Germans. Afterwards, the western betrayal happened. Poland and former Czechoslovakia , allies to the west where sold as cattle
To the communists all to apeace Stalin. And then started decades of soviet backed dictatorships and they suffered. None more so perhaps than the polish and baltic peoples.
The church became a sanctuary for free thought ,art,culture and more.
Fast-forward to a very special pope
Who became elected for the position in the 1970's and this made the blood boil of the communist government . And this pope was not for turning. He made it abundantly clear what he thought about the communists. The following decade another turning point happened
Lech Wałesa and his free union Solidarity. And he was again backed by the church.
With this very short history lesson we can see a theme . Religion , was the old savior of Poland. As polish society progressed and became more free so did it became better for lgbt too!
All though , slower perhaps than in other places it still was forward.
And now, come the 2010's Poland had an increase in cultural clashes with the EU especially the globalist aspects , imagine to have fought hard and long for something of to have people telling you
To give it up now that you got it. This was and is the feeling the polish got from them giving up aspects of their independence to the EU. And the migration crisis didn't exactly improve it. They felt like strangers were invading again.
The Russian increasing spending on the army and other chaotic events in Europe made the polish uneasy.
And here comes too rapid changes and the constant nagging of American ideas from a certain place in California often mixed up with communist ideas and all the talk about
"Privileges " and how bad you are for being hetero,capitalist supporting ,religious and patriotic and your skin color. And how you must give up everything in order to please "the greater good" . The rainbow flag became the symbol of foreign ,dangerous and invasive ideas
Guess what happens when you want to take out your frustrations ? Thats right you will go for the ones living among you even though they have very little to do with the ones in foreign media.
This rise has very little to do with misogyny and homophobia but all to do
With a justified fear of foreign invasion. Either it be ideas or people. Homophobia and antifeminism here are a respons to very little respect of traditions, a people's right of self-governing and total ignorance towards the history of other peoples than Americans
Give the salt in the wound with statements such as "you don't know what real oppression/communism/racism" is and voila.
Intersectionality and socialism is the poisons of the lgbt community . It is very easy for a person without historical perspective to see how
These ideas are actually hurting the very people they say they are fighting for especially when using them as a baseball bat . So , dear internationals homophobia is on the rise in Europe are you happy now?
Edit: intersectionals not internationals
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